Prayers are an important part of our life. If you want to learn more as to how the Universal Catholic Church prays, this site will expose you to the Liturgy of the Hours (Breviary), Daily Lecture, Prayers, Missal and many more.
This site offers a variety of topics ranging from Daily Mass Readings to the most groundbreaking news regarding the Catholic world. If you are serious about your faith and you understand the importance of staying connected to the universal Catholic Church, then this is a must site for you.
The Diocese of San Diego
“Jesus is the good news of salvation for people of every race and nation, every language and culture. He passes on to his disciples in every age the mission which he received from the Father. To each of us he says: ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you.'”
Rachel’s Hope
“Rachel’s Hope Ministry of healing and reconciliation for post-abortive women is a Catholic outreach to Catholic women and men who are seeking healing and reconciliation after an abortion. For men, it also includes men who are in a relationship with a woman who has had an abortion. This ministry is also an outreach to those that are Catholic-friendly.”